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Société rimouskoise du patrimoineImages de drone haute précisionCube NoirL'ALT Numérique DesjardinsDigital Museums Canada
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In 1763, the defeat of France against Great Britain in the Seven Years' War put an end to 152 years of French regime. The Treaty of Paris confirms the ceding of New France to the British.

At the end of the 18th century, despite the gradual arrival of the British in the Lower St. Lawrence, the French settlers continue to encroach on Indigenous territory. Fishing and the fur trade are still the most important source or revenue.

In the Lower St. Lawrence, the majority of important French-speaking landowners maintain their seigneuries. With the help of the censitaires or tenant farmers, the seigneurs continue to clear the land to expand the farming areas.

Before 1760, very few people are willing to leave well-developed settlements to settle in remote areas. In Rimouski, the seigneury consists of a manor, a chapel, a barn, a stable and a cowshed.

While fishing remains an important economic activity, the agricultural sector develops and supports the growth of the colony. The main agricultural product is wheat, which provides the flour to produce bread, an essential food in the settlers' diet.

Chickens, pigs and cattle are transported from Europe and introduced to the seigneuries. Poultry brings food to the settlers' table.

Certain villages are hosting shipyards. Shipbuilders hire workers to build new boats, which are first used to transport goods and later to transport travellers.

In the winter, inspired by Indigenous practices, the settlers exploit the resources of the forest. They hunt, trap animals and, in the spring, harvest maple trees to produce syrup.

Clearing and tilling the land is demanding. Tools are needed and their proper maintenance requires specialized craftsmen. The number of specialized craftsmen working in different sectors increases.

The arrival of the blacksmith in a village provides access to an expert who can repair axes, wagon wheels, horse carriages or any other tool necessary.
