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The monstrance is a liturgical object used during religious ceremonies. It is usually shaped like a sun, with a host in the centre. Displayed prominently on the altar, the monstrance is used to show the host to the faithful so that they can pay homage to this symbol of Christ’s body. The monstrance can also be carried in processions, which are religious parades where the faithful pray and sing.

These types of objects are very precious for a church and its faithful since they are often ancient, and have been acquired with the help of fundraising or donations. This one is decorated with ears of wheat, cherubs, and a winged angel. This object is stored in the sacristy, the small room behind the altar in the choir of a church. Catholic tradition dictates that liturgical objects be made of precious materials out of respect for God. Therefore, they are occasionally stored in a fireproof safe.


Date : 1869–1950

Origin : North America

Owner : Fabrique de la paroisse Saint-Donat. Saint-Donat.


Lessard, M. (2014). La nouvelle encyclopédie des antiquités du Québec [The new encyclopedia of Quebec’s antiquities]. Éditions de l’Homme.Tremblay, M. (with Gosselin, P.). (n.d.). L’ostensoir des Soeurs de Marie Réparatrice [The monstrance of the nuns of Marie Réparatrice]. L’inventaire du patrimoine immatériel religieux du Québec (IPIR). Retrieved July 25, 2022, from http://www.ipir.ulaval.ca/fiche.php?id=18

Morissette, J. R. (2004). Orfèvrerie précieuse et fragile [Precious and fragile goldsmithing]. Continuité, 101, 15–17. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/15675ac

Illustration: Monstrance