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Ice-cream maker

This machine is used to make ice cream. The cooling principle is based on the use of two containers that fit into each other. The space between the two containers is filled with crushed ice, while the mixture of cream, sugar, and flavours is placed inside the small container. The crank action turns a whisk, and the creamy mixture gradually turns into ice cream. This tool can also be used for whipping or mixing other foods.

Storing food outdoors in winter has been around for a long time. However, it was not until the 19th century that ice blocks were used for this purpose in the summer. Ice dealers cut blocks of ice from frozen lakes and rivers in the winter and deliver them to their customers. In the summer, the merchants cover the ice with straw and other products to slow down its melting and supply their customers as long as possible.

Iceboxes, increasingly common in homes, are placed near the outside door. The use of ice is a step forward for the population, which no longer has to buy perishable food from the market day by day.


Date: First half of the 20th century

Origin: North America

Owner: Magasin général historique authentique 1928. Percé.


Varin, F. (1991). Les cuisines anciennes [Ancient kitchens]. Continuité, 51, 48–51. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/17732ac

Bergeron, Y. (1991). Cuire et conserver les aliments: la révolution technologique du XIXe siècle [Cooking and preserving foodstuffs: The technological revolution of the 19th century]. Cap aux diamants, 24, 26–28. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/7753ac

Musée de la civilisation. (n.d.). Sorbetière [Ice-cream maker] (item No. 2009-106-10). Retrieved September 15, 2022, from https://collections.mcq.org/objets/99924

Illustration: Ice-cream maker