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Transcript transcription

As their trip to the St. Lawrence Estuary draws to a close, Laura and William carry on with their visit to the general store.

They observe the wide array of products, both local and foreign, that are available in the early 20th century. Oil lamps are found alongside radios, water pumps and a variety of everyday items.

Right next to the pump, Laura examines a weighing scale, which is used to measure the weight of meat, flour or coffee bought in bulk. You really can find anything in these general stores!

Meanwhile, William glances out the window next to the front door and sees the Brisson family home!

The teenagers continue their tour of the store. On the counter, they see a compass, which looks strangely like the one in their grandfather's office. They approach it with curiosity.

Laura picks up the compass and she and William examine its mechanism carefully.

At that exact moment, the two travellers are swept up in the time vortex. Laura and William are transported back to their starting point, in their grandfather's office.

When they arrive, Grandfather Brisson is sitting at his desk, looking at a map of the Maritimes with a history book and drawings on it.

The children recognize a drawing of a Viking longship and a book by Frank G. Speck entitled Naskapi. Could they be ready for a new adventure? The next journey could take them to the land of the Beothuk, the Vikings and other European explorers...
