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Pelt bales

This bale contains furs from animals hunted or trapped in the forest by Indigenous people, hunters, trappers, and coureurs des bois (fur traders). Using these bales, they transport the pelts to the trading posts where they can be purchased by the Europeans.

The bales can be used to carry other goods, such as fabric, which is also used as currency in the trade.

Beaver furs are very popular in Europe. They are used to make felt hats, which are considered fashionable. Felt sheets are made from beaver hair, first boiled and then matted by pressing and rubbing.


Date: Unknown

Origin: North America

Owner: Poste de traite Chauvin. Tadoussac.


Pointe-à-Callière, cité d’archéologie et d’histoire de Montréal. (n.d.). Sceau à ballot [Bale seal]. ARCHÉOLAB.QUÉBEC. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from https://www.archeolab.quebec/recherche/objet/218227

Illustration: Pelt bales